National Community Health Worker Registry | NCHW™ Registry

CE Opportunities

As a valued member of the NCHW™ Registry, we are excited to announce an exclusive member resource that will enhance your professional growth as a Community Health Worker (CHW) with Continuing Education Opportunities. These opportunities are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to excel in your role and make a meaningful impact on community health. Read on to learn more about the upcoming Continuing Education Opportunities offered exclusively to NCHW™ Registry members.

Continuing Education Opportunities

The NCHW™ Registry recognizes the importance of lifelong learning for CHWs. Our Continuing Education Opportunities will offer a diverse range of learning experiences tailored to the needs of our members. Through webinars, online courses, and workshops, you will have access to up-to-date and relevant content on various topics related to community health. 

Our Continuing Education Opportunities will cover emerging trends, evidence-based practices, cultural competency, health disparities, advocacy, and more.

Benefits of Continuing Education

Engaging in continuing education as an NCHW™ Registry member can bring numerous benefits. By participating in these opportunities, you can:

Stay Updated

Keep abreast of the latest developments, best practices, and evidence-based approaches in the field of community health.

Enhance Skills

Acquire new skills and deepen existing knowledge to improve your effectiveness as a CHW.

Expand Network

Connect with fellow CHWs, experts, and leaders in the field, fostering meaningful relationships and opportunities for collaboration.

Professional Growth

Develop professionally and demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and excellence in community health work.

Increased Impact

Apply new knowledge and skills to enhance your ability to address community health needs and improve health outcomes.

NCHW™ Registry Member Benefits

As an NCHW™ Registry member, you have access to exclusive resources designed to support your professional growth and development. Our upcoming Continuing Education Opportunities will empower you with valuable knowledge, skills, and resources to make a lasting impact on community health.

Stay tuned for the launch of these opportunities on the NCHW™ Registry website, and take advantage of this member benefit to further your career as a CHW. Together, let’s continue to learn, grow, and advance the field of community health work.